Local Favoritism in China’s Public Procurement: Information Friction or Incentive Distortion?政府采购中的地方偏好:信息摩擦还是激励扭曲?

时间:2024-04-17         阅读:


主题:Local Favoritism in China’s Public Procurement: Information Friction or Incentive Distortion?政府采购中的地方偏好:信息摩擦还是激励扭曲?

主讲人:上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院财政系 唐为副教授

主持人:蜜桃传媒视频财政税务学院 高跃光副教授

时间:4月22日 9:30


主办单位:财政税务学院 科研处


唐为,上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院财政系副教授、系主任、博士生导师,研究方向为公共经济学、城市经济学,在《经济研究》、《经济学(季刊)》、Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics、Economics of Transition、Papers in Regional Science等中英文期刊发表论文多篇。主持国家自科基金面上与青年项目、教育部人文社科基金规划项目和青年项目、全国博士后基金特别资助和面上一等资助等多项课题。曾获得上海市哲社优秀成果奖、洪银兴经济学奖、《经济学(季刊)》2021年度最佳论文等。


This paper aims to disentangle the roles of information and incentive in the allocation of government contracts. Drawing on a unique dataset including both winning and losing bidders of public procurements in China, we document a strong local bias in the contract allocation process. These patterns are hardly reconciled with explanations rooted in information friction or corruption. Instead, we emphasize the role of local leaders’ career incentives, presenting evidence that local favoritism is more pronounced in localities with more incentivized local leaders. Our findings prompt a reconsideration of the effectiveness of bureaucratic discretion, particularly in economies characterized by imperfect institutions.


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